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Nordic Morning

Tidspunkt: søndag d. 29. august 2021 kl. 10:00 - søndag d. 29. august 2021 kl. 12:00

The Student house is taking you for a swim! A very Nordic tradition, winterbathing (or autumn bathing) has many benefits for your body: it stimulates your blood flow, boosts your immune system, increases focus, gives you a rush of adrenaline and many Danes claim to be addicted to it.

You do not have to swim (although you are welcome to) but simply immerse your body in the fresh sea and feel part of the incredible nature. We will then have warm tea and coffee to warm up, generously provided by the Student house.

We encourage you to bring your own breakfast, and we will eat together on the beach.


DKK 0,00