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Samtalesalon / Conversation Café

Time: Monday 23. November 2020 at 16:15
(For both Danish and international students)
Have a good talk with people you don't know (yet!).
The talk requires no preparation or previous knowledge. The important thing is only your desire to talk and having an interest in other people.
It is an informal meeting place, where you have the opportunity to have discussions that digs deeper than small-talks do. The purpose of the event is to create a forum for a good, free and relaxed conversation about important issues.
Conversation Café will take you through the various themes with ‘appetizers’ initiated and guided by a host. In other words, you will be taken by the hand and led through the afternoon.
This conversation café will be somewhat different than the ones we have hosted previously: due to the Coronavirus, we cannot sit down closely around a table and talk. So instead we will turn the café into a walk'n'talk. We will meet at the café in Studenterhuset, and then take a long walk together in and around the grounds of the university campus while we discuss the topic of the day; relationships and infidelity.
Wear something warm and join the conversation!
This event is supported by:
FO Aarhus.
We take all precautions to prevent the spread of covid-19, but we need your help. Please remember to:
? Wash your hands frequently or sanitise your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub.
? Cough or sneeze into your sleeve - not your hands.
? Limit physical contact – avoid handshakes, refuse kisses on the cheek and avoid hugging.
? Be diligent with cleaning – at home and at work.
? Keep your distance and ask others to be considerate.
? Stay at home and contact your doctor if you’re feeling sick.

Standard Ticket

DKK 0,00