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The Triquizzard Tournament: A Harry Potter Quiz

Tidspunkt: onsdag den 30. april 2025 kl. 19.00 - onsdag den 30. april 2025 kl. 23.00
Tilmelding slutter tirsdag den 29. april 2025

If you solemnly swear you're up to no good—this is the place to be! 

It's been over two decades since we first met our favorite wizard, yet the Wizarding World continues to enchant us all. For years, we've followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione through their adventures at Hogwarts, battling dark magic, brewing potions, and learning spells that captured our imaginations. We cheered at Quidditch matches, mourned Dumbledore’s farewell, and still shiver remembering Voldemort's return. 

After last year's success with our Game of Thrones quiz, it's finally time for a Harry Potter Trivia Night—and whether you're a witch, wizard, or proud muggle, everyone has a chance at glory and house points!

Prepare yourself, because this quiz will test your knowledge of spells, quotes, magical creatures, characters, and all the extraordinary details that make the Wizarding World both magical and challenging. While the movies are important, this quiz will mainly draw from the books, giving devoted readers a definite advantage. 

As always, there will be seven enchanting categories, each containing five cumulatively challenging questions.

Assemble your Hogwarts house (aka your team) of up to 8 members or join one when you arrive, ready to compete for eternal glory (and maybe some chocolate frogs)! 

Mischief managed!


DKK 25,00