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Intercultural Storytelling

Time: Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 8:30 PM

Everyone has a story. Each of those stories is unique, individual, and important. Sharing those stories allows us to understand each other, and ourselves.

PhD Matthias Stephan will guide you through this interactive experience with intercultural storytelling at its center. You will be guided in creating your own individual character and collaborate in building a world and a common story. The workshop is about creating dialogue, and learning from each other in a creative and open setting, about building a community and learning about our differences and, more importantly, what we all share.

Questions about the workshop can be directed to Sigrun at sigrun@studenterhusaarhus.dk



Please be aware that this event might be subject to changes or cancellation due to changing restrictions.


We take all precautions to prevent the spread of covid-19, but we need your help. Please remember to:


    • Wash your hands frequently or sanitise your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub.
    • Cough or sneeze into your sleeve - not your hands.
    • Limit physical contact – avoid handshakes, refuse kisses on the cheek and avoid hugging.
    • Be diligent with cleaning – at home and at work.
    • Keep your distance and ask others to be considerate.
    • Stay at home and contact your doctor if you’re feeling sick.


Debate generating events at Studenterhus Aarhus are supported by FO Aarhus.