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Try Women's Basketball

Tidspunkt: onsdag den 26. marts 2025 kl. 18.45 - onsdag den 26. marts 2025 kl. 21.00
Tilmelding slutter tirsdag den 25. marts 2025

Looking for a fun, inclusive, and social community in Aarhus? Then come join AUS Basket for an open try-out practice for our brand-new, beginner-friendly women’s team!

Basketball is an amazing sport, and at AUS Basket, we’re on a mission to grow the game in Aarhus! We’re starting a new team for women who want to learn the game, get some great exercise, and - most importantly - be part of an awesome club!

What to Expect?

Our fantastic coach has put together a fun and engaging group session with drills and games -no experience needed, just bring your enthusiasm and some indoor shoes!

Post-Practice Refreshments!

After the session, we’ll be serving a soda or a beer to all our thirsty players!

When & Where?

Join us on Wednesday, March 26th and be part of the fun! Address: Vorrevangskolen, Vorregårds Allé 109, 8200 Aarhus, Danmark

Got Questions? Reach out to Kamilla at kommunikation@ausbasket.dk

Share the event with your friends and lets play some basketball!


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